What is eSIM? How much better this e sim card than a standard SIM card?

If you are using the latest iPhone or Pixel device, the phone has an option that you may not know much about – E SIM (eSIM) – this eSIM is a smart version of the traditional SIM card that is pre-installed on the device’s motherboard like your NFC chip is installed in the phone. This type of technology will soon become more popular and e SIM support may be available in mid-range phones. Now the question is how does eSIM work? How good is it? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Let’s discuss everything, and yes those who still don’t know how SIM card works, read that first!

what is esim

What is eSIM card?

The technical full form of eSIM is embedded SIM card – the way the traditional SIM card in your phone works and the technology that connects the phone to the cell network, eSIM works in the same style. But the size of the eSIM is much smaller than the traditional SIM card and it fits inside the phone. This means you don’t have to open the eSIM, you don’t have to insert it, it is already fitted in the phone!

Now this SIM does not need to be opened or inserted later, but this does not mean you cannot change the number or move to a different operator! It is virtually rewritable, meaning that different SIMs can be written as desired and previous SIMs can be uninstalled. This means that it is easier to install a new SIM in e SIM, you do not have to go to the customer care of the operator, you do not have to buy a new physical SIM card. You can register a new SIM just by calling or downloading any app from the operator and you can also set it up with your phone!

E-SIM is used specifically to introduce dual SIM feature in phones, meaning it is not used as a replacement for traditional SIM. Many premium phones, including the iPhone, Pixel device, and Samsung’s flagship phones, have only one physical SIM support. These phones can take advantage of dual SIM by using eSIM. And there is no need to explain the advantages of dual SIM!


If you want to use eSIM, both your smartphone and your mobile operator need to support it. Mobile carriers in many countries around the world now support e SIM, while many carriers in neighboring India support ISIM. If you have iPhone 11, Pixel 3/4— these devices, and if your mobile operator supports, you can also use an eSIM card!

Advantages of e SIM card

The biggest advantage of eSIM is that it is fatally small in size, yes nano-SIM, and much smaller in size, but the size of e SIM is much smaller! The Nano SIM is actually 3 times larger than the E-SIM, so think about how small it is. Since the eSIM is on the motherboard and its size is very small, it is possible to save a lot of space effortlessly, it can be used to make the battery bigger, separate equipment can be fitted.

There is no need to have a separate SIM tray for e-SIM, which means it is possible to make the phone more solid-state. Better waterproof facilities can be provided without a SIM tray. It is possible to provide the best benefits for users. You do not have to carry a paper clip to open the SIM. And if there is no SIM tray, then where will the trouble of opening come from? E-SIM card can easily provide dual SIM facility in a single SIM phone. This means you can easily distinguish work and personal numbers on flagship phones.

If you travel outside the country, you can easily take the local SIM through eSIM. It will not be necessary to charge for roaming by selling kidneys. You don’t even have to buy a physical SIM or travel with a book!

sim card

Disadvantages of eSIM

The big problem with eSIM is that if you change the phone, you will not be able to change the SIM from one phone to another just like a physical SIM. Or let’s say you have a problem with your device to test the SIM from one device to another phone to test, but not in the case of eSIM!

In the case of physical SIM, you can easily open the SIM from the phone and connect it to the modem and use the internet comfortably, but in this case, it will not be. Now in the future, if eSIM becomes universal then-new technology may come and eSIM may also be easily transferred from one phone to another. Maybe just scanning the QR code will pass the SIM to another phone, but there may be another security problem!

I don’t know what will happen in the future, but so far in 2019, the use of eSIM is very limited, too many devices and networks do not support it. However, your next phone may not have e-SIM support, but its next phone will have, traditional SIM and will not rule for life. The more popular this tech is, the more its benefits will be unveiled. What is your opinion about this e-SIM? Share us by commenting below!

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