Solar Energy How It Works | Solar energy Definition- Uses of Solar Energy
Solar Energy
Solar panels are basically an electronic device whose purpose is to convert the sun’s energy into electrical energy. A solar panel contains many solar cells to make solar energy. Each cell is connected to each other. Solar cells act like batteries, But ordinary batteries produce electricity from chemicals and solar cells produce electricity from light. Another name for a solar panel is a photovoltaic panel or PV.
Here the photo is meant to mean light and voltaic means electricity. This panel is essentially a two-tier electric sandwich made of semi-conductive material silicon. To get the maximum amount of electricity, these panels need to be placed on the ceiling or in high places so that sunlight falls on it most of the day. Power is collected on the solar panel batteries. The collected electricity can be used at night or on cloudy days. Normally, solar panels have high efficiency at temperatures of 20-25 degrees to make energy. This panel can never produce more electricity than the sun’s energy.
Most panels can produce 10-20 percent of the sun’s energy. And a silicon solar panel can produce a maximum of 30 percent of its electrical energy. Because there are photons of different waves in the sunlight. Solar panels can capture and act on certain waves.
Solar panels are environmentally friendly for making electric energy. It plays an effective role in avoiding extreme problems such as global warming. In addition, this electricity is completely free. You do not have to pay bills monthly. And it doesn’t cost much to set up.
How solar panel generate electric Energy from sunlight?
Why do we dig the ground and fence oil, and pollute the environment to divert coal? – Where non-stop energy from the sky is always pouring down on us in exchange for Allah. You may have seen a calculator fitted with Solar Cells – which never requires a battery or any energy to run. The sun shining on our heads, itself a huge source of energy, has been fueling our energy for over 10 million years and will undoubtedly transmit energy for another 100 million or more. Solar panels can generate immense electricity from this sun’s immense energy. Not just a calculator, hand clocks, electric lamps, satellites in space, everything works from the sun. But how does this cell convert light into electricity? —In this article, we will go into detail…
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How to make Energy from Solar panels
The sun is a huge nucleus of energy, and every square meter of the earth’s surface, the sun produces about 1,000 watts of energy. If we could catch this whole energy, we could comfortably meet all the needs of our office, home electricity and, again, completely free. If we can plant solar panels across the entire Sahara Desert, it will be possible to meet the electrical energy demand across the entire world using solar energy.
But the thing is not easy. The sun does not send electricity directly to the earth but rather sends light and heat into the mix. Even though light and heat are desperately necessary elements for our lives. Lighting helps us to grow our vision and plants so that our food is supplied, while the heat helps us to survive. – But directly from this light and heat, the light of the house will not be lit, it will require electricity. So we have to work in a way where this light and heat can be converted into electricity. Solar Cells /solar energy does just that.
What is a Solar Cell?
Solar cells are essentially an electronic device that can convert direct sun energy into electricity. It can also be seen from the calculator to the wings of the satellite, another name for a solar cell is a photovoltaic cell or PV – where light is used to refer to light and electric is called voltaic. Solar panels are a package made by many cell types, where each cell is connected to each other and produce solar energy. The solar cell acts like a battery, but the battery produces electricity from the chemical, and the solar cell produces electricity from the light.
Photovoltaic cells are usually made of one kind of semiconductor material, such as silicon. When sunlight hits this cell, parts of the light absorb these photovoltaic cells. That is, the semiconductor is absorbed by the light and flows into the material, separating the energy and helping it move freely. We know from the article about lights, that light is the smallest particle, called a photon. That is, the sun is raining cautiously around us. Now if these photos were put on a photovoltaic cell, each cell would produce some voltages of some electricity. And when the voltages of many cells in the panel combine, they can be easily supplied to an electric device.
How efficient is a solar cell?
According to the basic principles of physics, we cannot create or destroy any energy – everything already exists in this world and we can only transform it from one form of energy to another. That is, solar cells are never capable of converting more electricity than the sun’s energy. Most cells can convert 8 to 20 percent of the sun’s energy into electricity. And a silicon cell can convert energy up to a maximum of 3 percent. Because sunlight has different wavelengths, photovoltaic cells can only catch and act on a specific wave. And the rest of the energy does not work or is wasted. Today’s most sophisticated cells can convert up to 5% of their electrically.
The current generation’s latest cell is much better than the previous second and first-generation. It is capable of converting power at up to 5% and costs less.
Solar panels for home
Solar power/energy is actually a very effective way to avoid extreme problems like global warming. Moreover, it is better to generate electricity in your own home, given the power situation in our country. The best thing about solar power is that it is completely free and does not require a lot of money to set up. Solar panels are installed on the ceiling or outside of the house as per demand, and regular batteries are installed for power backup at night. A charge controller is fitted with the battery because if the battery is not overcharged, it is able to give a good backup. Once the battery is fully charged, the controller no longer flows current from the PV module to the battery.
One of the major problems with solar cells is that DC or direct current is the power that comes directly from the panel and the battery. But AC or Alternating Current is required to operate almost any appliance, including home TV, fan, etc.; So an inverter is installed that converts DC to AC. Most inverters work automatically. However, some of the latest solar modules today are named AC modules; Where the inverter is mounted on the build. Also, there is a need to install the outside solar panel exactly in the face of the sun. To set up a complete solar energy /solar power system in your home, I would recommend hiring a licensed electrician, your job will be perfect, and you will be able to enjoy free electricity in the next 8-20 years.
The last word About solar
The sun is a very powerful source of energy, making it environmentally friendly and recyclable. And the best part is that using this energy is absolutely free. Through this article, I hope you have come to know about the benefits and types of solar work and its importance. So do you have solar power /solar energy systems in your home? Or do you want to install solar power/energy? Please comment on everything below.
Various Applications of Solar Energy
Many initiatives are underway to make future ‘smart’ buildings self-sufficient in energy Germany is trying to meet that goal by improving the technology of solar power/energy generation
All of these solar panels generate fuel energy from sunlight But how is that possible? How or where is it made? To know the answers to these questions, visit the Fraunhofer Institute in the City of Freiburg India’s Kumar Abhishek is working there as a guest scientist He is taking part in new research to shape the future of solar technology “It has two applications,” says Kumar In solar thermal technology, the coating on the solar cell basically distorts the light Sunlight is reflected on a target It can be a dot or a line We have made significant progress in the field of photovoltaic technology, Of course, notice that the photovoltaic cells are only grayish blue, which is actually the color of silicon. But we can give any color now in special shades Red, black, yellow, pink, blue – whatever you like We often talk about smart cities and smart buildings It is possible to make these buildings more attractive by using this technology. “
The goal of the photovoltaic cell is to collect as much heat as possible That’s why it’s made of silicon, which is a semiconductor A machine ensures that the wafer or thin layer of silicone is not broken Then thinner silver and aluminum sheets are soldered and applied
This process is called screen printing, which is very similar to T-shirt printing, However, the solar wafer has to withstand a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius This wafer can now be called a solar cell Many tests are performed to determine the quality of the fruit even after printing The size of the metallic layer and the spacing between them must be perfect Depending on the performance of the cell 1 In the microscope it is examined 1
Solar photovoltaic cells contain sunlight and immediately convert them to electric energy In solar thermal technology, the use of mirrors is converted into heat by reflecting sunlight. After that heat can be deposited, water can be heated or electricity produced
Another test is underway in a dark room The camera and projector are tested to see how perfect the metallic layer is. Peter Petersburg, of the Fraunhofer Society, “thus examines the quality of the mirror. Another important factor is the aero bar, which converts heat to the sun’s rays, Therefore, its capacity and size have to be constantly tested Everything is packed into one collector That is, quality tests have to be conducted to keep the solar power plant operating properly. “
This results in the production of refined, pollution-free and sustainable fuels, which do not emit global warming. “Thermal technology is the main application of heat,” Peters Nitz said For example, in countries like India, steam is produced in solar-powered kitchens There are huge kitchens in many places Some of them utilize solar thermal technology to generate steam and ensure the heat required for cooking. “
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Assuming the cities of the future should look like this These homes are the prototype or example of an efficient building in the city of Freiburg. They are capable of producing the required fuel. That is, the power grid, even cooking, does not require gas Sunlight will satisfy all needs in the future.
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